Early Families of Port Hope and Area
Nine volumes, all available from the Society. See Publications page for ordering information. Each volume is priced at $5.00 (plus shipping and handling). A full set is available for $40.00.
Volume I
Ashford | Gould |
Barrett | Harris, Myndert |
Bedford, Jonathan | Smart, John |
Gardiner, Mark | Wade, Robert |
Goheen, Thomas | White, Thomas |

Volume II
Ashford | Meadows |
Barrie (2) | Retallick |
Goheen | Wade (2) |
Hawkins | Walker |

Volume III
Barkwell (2) | Strong |
Grant | Wade |
Hagerman | White |
Harris | Wilson |
Irwin |

Volume IV
D. Brand | Corbett |
J. Brand | McElroy |
Caldwell | Peters |
Chisholm | Powell |
Craig | Thompson |

Volume V
Bebee | Philp (2) |
Bickle (2) | Riordan |
Inch | Trew |
Osland | Tufford |

Volume VI
Austin (2) | Johnson J. |
Gibson | Mercer (2) |
Haskill | Walker |
Johnson T. | Whitehead |

Volume VII
Austin | Dinner |
Barrowclough | Jamieson |
Broadfoot | Lewis |
Carruthers | Mounteer |
Chestnut | Powell |

Volume VIII
Choate | |
Hannah | |
Henwood |

Volume IX
Dunbar | Nichols |
Gifford (2) | Parsons |
Lewis | Watson |
Marvin |