Information and Links for Genealogists researching Port Hope and District

ganaraska river


Publications: A List of General Publications here

Family Histories – Family names are listed below with the Family History Volume number where the name appears. There are nine volumes – all available from the Society. See Publications page for ordering information. Click here for more detail. Each Volume is priced at $5.00 (plus shipping and handling). Set is $40.00.

Cemetery records

Other Links
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Family History Volume Index

NameVol. NameVol. NameVol.
Ashford1 Gibson6 Nichols9
Ashford2 Gifford (2)9 Osland5
Austin7 Goheen2 Parsons9
Austin (2)6 Goheen, Thomas1 Peters4
Barkwell (2)3 Gould1 Philp(2)5
Barrett1 Grant3 Powell7
Barrie (2)2 Hagerman3 Powell4
Barrowclough7 Hannah8 Retallick2
Bebee5 Harris3 Riordan5
Bedford, Jonathan1 Harris, Myndert1 Smart, John1
Bickle (2)5 Haskill6 Strong3
D. Brand4 Hawkins2 Thompson4
J. Brand4 Henwood 8 Trew5
Broadfoot7 Inch5 Tufford5
Caldwell4 Irwin3 Wade3
Carruthers7 Jamieson7 Wade (2)2
Chestnut7 Johnson J.6 Wade, Robert1
Chisholm4 Johnson T.6 Walker2
Choate8 Lewis7 Walker6
Corbett4 Lewis9 Watson 9
Craig4 Marvin9 White3
Dinner7 McElroy4 White, Thomas1
Dunbar9 Meadows2 Whitehead6
Gardiner, Mark1 Mercer (2)6 Wilson3

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